Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Professional Snag In Information Technology

Question: Make a Report on Current Challenges Facing the ICT Professional. Answer: Introduction Cloud computing earlier appeared in 1996, it was earlier mentioned by the Compaq internal document. The term was traced in 2006 when Elastic Compute Cloud. It was introduced by Amazon. Massive computing energy is needed to grow business and competitive advantage [Orban and Lui, 2008]. Earlier an organization used to load their data is to use their computing power for their data centers. But, using their own data center for processing of the data is costly and it is also very complicated. The cloud computing was a substitute for this. It is the term that is used for a computing service, which is based on internet. It was launched by big organizations like Amazon and Google, etc. in 2006. It serves a computing service whenever you need it, it is also of low maintenance and also it can be implemented quickly. It uses less staff of IT, which helps in cost reduction. These were the promises made by the cloud computing few years ago. It was assumed and calculated by the IDC that cloud spen ding will hike from 16 billion USD (2008) to 42 billion USD (2012) [Leavitt, 2009]. It is in the top ten issues for CIOs recognized by the commentators like the VP [Preston, 2011]. The increase in the growth of the same is making it a great topic for research. We make a current view of the research, some suggested that we should give more efforts to focus on the future to do consumer research [Robey, 1998]. Literature Review What are the origins and definations of topic? In this section, cloud computing is introduced, and it is differentiated with technologies like grid computing. Cloud computing, it is stated as 5th utility, with electricity, telephone, gas and water. This service is available in society [Buvya, Venugopal, 2009]. This is not a new vision. In 1961 John McCarthy predicted that in future cloud computing will be publicly utilized. [Wheeler and Waggener, 2009]. It is a way of computing, it has capabilities that are related to IT are massively scalable. This service is provided over the internet to multiple users. Gartner [Smith, Bittman, Scott, et al., 2009]. Cloud computing is a collection of conceptual, highly scalable and controlled infrastructure which is capable of hosting end user application and billed according to its consumption. Forrester [Staten, 2008]Cloud computing is in demand technology which has unlimited resources, the elimination of up-front commitments by cloud users.. It is a short term basis service in which user has to pay only for resources which are being used. [Armbrust, Griffith, Joseph, Konwinski, et al., 2009]. Cloud computing has cyber infrastructure, it is virtual distributed computing, utility computing, grid computing, software service and web service. [Vouk, 2008]. Its a category of distributed as well as parallel system having a collection of virtualized computers that are connected with each other. These a re dynamically provisioned. These are represented as a single or multiple computing resources. Agreements are based on service level. These agreements are based on the debate or talks between cloud service provider and users [Buyya, 2009]. What are the major issues and debates about the cloud computing? Marc Benioff, said that on-going technologies have many years of investment of billions of dollars on their side and that the cloud computing is risky, unproven and light weight Stephen Elop, convinced that the cloud computing can be future technology, also states that The convenience of increase in productivity, improved efficiency and cost savings, with the power to support and authorize a broader range of users via the cloud are clear. The issues are also related to cloud service providers: Some cases where the cloud service provider is involved, where should be these cases adjudicated and how favorable is that in the interest of cloud service provider. The main point is the cost of this business, and the question is that how much money for taxes and regulations like environmental etc. is needed. One more issue is that whether work force is enough and whether business climate is good or not. Cloud service providers give full access to save any kind of data, user can save any malicious and infected files. The question raised was that there should be monitoring and maintenance of this kind of data.[packetStromSecurity.net, 2013] There is a risk of loss of data on cloud computing, due to any financial problems or there can be any system failure. If there are no backup or any copy of the data maintained, so loss of data can occur [packetStromSecurity.net, 2013]. What are the political standpoints on cloud computing? The factors that affect the location of data centers of cloud computing resolve the jurisdictional issues. The policies of the same can have an impact on cloud user as well as the provider. With these governments can suffocate as well as promote the development of this computing system. There are same policy problems with cloud computing, which could be a problem for the user as well as the provider of cloud computing (Jaeger, 2008). Users want to access their data on cloud whenever and wherever they want, without any obstacle from providers Users expect that it should be reliable to use the service from their cloud provider (Jaeger, 2008) Users want that cloud provider should be able to stop the unauthorized access of their information (Jaeger, 2009) Users want that cloud service provider and government and all the third parties would not keep check on their activities, but for quality control purpose they can monitor only when it is for. (Armbrust, 2009). Users want in case of any problem a crystal clear definition of a liability. How the knowledge in cloud computing is structured and organized? Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) [Ronnie Bushnell, 2013]: It assists user to provide unlimited computing resources. The customer doesnt have access of cloud infrastructure. The customer of the cloud service can access OS and customer can access storage. Platform as a Service (PaaS) [Ronnie Bushnell, 2013: The user can deploy applications, both user-created and off the shelf applications. It has control over the applications and not on the infrastructure, servers, operating systems and other storage components. Software as a Service (SaaS) [Ronnie Bushnell, 2013: The consumer can use of the applications created by the provider in the cloud infrastructure. The customer cannot control the cloud infrastructure, the customer can make changes to the settings of the applications. What are the main questions and problem that have been addressed to date? It is useless without the Internet. Without internet, data is useless. In these days, the Internet is accessible everywhere, but when it disappears, it cuts us off from the information on a cloud computing service. If internet access goes off, a person won't be able to login and check or read his/her files. An unreliable connection can disappoint and can also leave us in a situation where files or data is urgently required and we are unable to read them. (V3 Staff, 2014) Another question raised was that it a business data could go into the danger zone. As this information is available wherever we want and whenever we want, the only thing we need is a password or authentication, so this information can be used by any person who knows the password. So this information is accessible to a person who can misuse it and knows the passwords. It can also be used to blackmail any firm or any organization. This can also be used to access bank related information or sensitive data that is not meant to be seen by unauthorized persons. So in this case this information is in the risk zone if accessed by unauthorized persons. (V3 Staff, 2014) It was also a problem that whether the data on the server side is secured or not. There can be external threats on the server side that can access and it can also modify data. The data of used on the server side can be accessed and used for bad purposes. It can also cause a great financial loss to the user. So, there should be good security on the server side to protect the data from external unauthorized user. Conclusion Cloud computing service is very beneficial for business purposes and also we can share information across the globe. It also reduces cost for users and providers. Whenever we can access the internet we can access the data and information with the help of cloud computing on the other hand without connection we cannot access it. There is also the risk of unauthorized access or theft of data. But it gives quicker access to data. No more data are needed to be stored on a device, which reduces the cost on user side. It is available on each internet access device, which makes it easier for user to use it anywhere and on any device. Cloud computing is obviously not risk free, but it is manageable. If some facts are considered such as not sharing any personal information that can help an unauthorized person to access the data, and also considering the fact that internet access is available all the, so that data can be accessed whenever it is needed. So, we can conclude that cloud computing is a very efficient technology and can be very useful for business or personal use in the future. References Armbrust, M., Stoica, I., Zaharia, M., Fox, A., Griffith, R., Joseph, A., Katz, R., Konwinski, A., Lee, G., Patterson, D. and Rabkin, A. (2010). A view of cloud computing.Commun. ACM, 53(4), p.50. Bushnell, R. (2013).The Alphabet Soup of Technology and Outsourcing: IaaS, PaaS, SaaS, BPaaS. Buyya, R., Yeo, C., Venugopal, S., Broberg, J. and Brandic, I. (2009). Cloud computing and emerging IT platforms: Vision, hype, and reality for delivering computing as the 5th utility.Future Generation Computer Systems, 25(6), pp.599-616. Cervone, H. (2010). An overview of virtual and cloud computing.OCLC Systems Services: International digital library perspectives, 26(3), pp.162-165. Cloud Computingà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬ ¢Issues,Research and Implementations,. (2008).Computing and Information Technology, pp.235246. Jaeger, T. and Schiffman, J. (2010). Outlook: Cloudy with a Chance of Security Challenges and Improvements.IEEE Security Privacy Magazine, 8(1), pp.77-80. Leavitt, N. (2009). Is Cloud Computing Really Ready for Prime Time?.Computer, 42(1), pp.15-20. Problems on cloud computing?. (2013). Robey, D. and Markus, M. (1998). Beyond Rigor and Relevance.Information Resources Management Journal, 11(1), pp.7-16. Top 10 CIO Priorities. (2011).

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