Saturday, May 16, 2020

Teaching Styles, Learning Styles, and Cultural Location in...

Teaching Styles, Learning Styles, and Cultural Location in Relation to Academic Success The mediocre teacher tells. The good teacher explains. The superior teacher demonstrates. The great teacher inspires. -William Arthur Ward. Every teacher is different and teaches differently, but when it comes to academic success of students, how do the teaching styles affect the overall outcome of the student success. Although teaching styles and learning styles have a massive role to play and academic success, so does cultural location. Teaching styles will form students learning behavior and how they see their future. Teaching styles meshed with learning style of an individual student is the biggest predictor of students academic success in all cultural locations. There are many ideas for what happens in the classroom although many believe that teaching styles will affect the academic success within a classroom based upon a teacher and his or her own beliefs and influences. We all have our own beliefs and values which may be different from anothers. Because beliefs influence teacher action, and context influences beliefs, it seems logical that national context would influence teachers use of and beliefs about Mosstons Spectrum of Teaching Styles. (Kitsantas, Panagiota). Every teacher has a different form of influence and that influence will affect their own personal teaching style. Due to this not every single teacher has the same ways of teaching. Sometimes unknown to theShow MoreRelatedAnalysis of Some of the Benefits of Study Abroad Essay1538 Words   |  7 Pagesto collaborate with each other in all sectors of life either related to the business or the education. It can be done only through the exchange of the language, culture, and tr aditions (Caffarella Daffron, 2013). 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